About Me

   My first exposure to coding was in fifth grade, when I became enamored with Scratch, an intuitive, block-based coding language. I spent hours upon hours creating games and animations, which actually sparked my passion for visual arts. My middle school years were spent teaching myself to draw, and "real" computer science remained largely an intimidating, abstract concept in my mind.

  Art, in all its forms, played such a huge role in my life, and I believed computer science to be the complete opposite. That was until I attended Microsoft’s Digigirlz camp, where mind-blowing demos shattered all preconceptions of what computer science was: demos on accessible user-interface design, hair extensions that could signal for police, and tattoos that created music were things I had never thought of when imagining engineering. I was introduced to a new horizon of possibilities. Art could undoubtedly be interwoven into the subject, and resulted in extraordinarily innovative products.

  After further exploring the subject in my high school's IB computer science course, I knew that I wanted to learn more about it in college, and that's what I'm doing now at the University of Washington! I hope to explore the intersection of art and technology, but I'm also excited to expand my knowledge of the field and try new things. I'm currently most interested in extended reality and computer graphics.

You can contact me at jennypng@uw.edu!

As for my other hobbies, I also sing and write songs in a band! Check out my band's music here.